Saturday, September 29, 2012

Data Card

Japan boasts a data card to be able to endure extreme temperatures and that the tsunami will have no effect of this card will be water-proof.

Japanese multinational company hitachi has the chip is removed from the curtain on. company claims that it can resist the many chemicals and radio waves has no effect. it two hours up to 1000 ° c temperature at heating but also it is not damaged. British newspaper daily mail reports chip is waterproof and it can be also protected in the event of a fire. hitachi researcher Kajuyoshi Zucchini said, ' every day is increasing the data to be generated, but the preserve for iseagli we are not progressing. ' he says, fear of losing information. CD and hard drive only a few decades or a few centuries to remain safe, using the new technology company chip is designedOf data to quartz glass seat in dot generated stores. it can be read with the help of simple optical microscope.