Friday, February 22, 2013


USA boast the highest per capita income in the Indian-American sleeps. According to the latest Census Bureau reports nearly 30 million Indian-American community's eight phisad and more people are living below the poverty line.

Years 2007-2011, according to the American community survey in the United States 4.27 million people's income is below the poverty line while the national poverty rate to 14.7 percent.. was released on Wednesday, according to the Census Bureau report 8.2 percent poverty rate lower than other Indian American ethnic groups are poor. Japanese Americans poverty rates also poverty population rate of 8.2 percent. Asian viyatnamiyon [14.7%] and Korean people [15%] in most. While the lowest rate of Philippine native peoples poverty is 5.8 percent.

Report says poverty rate in nine provinces to u.s. Asian-majority is down to 10 percent. These are province-Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, Virginia and South Carolina new hampers, according to redneck and Alaska Native report. [27%] and black or African American poverty rate, national rate [25.8 per cent] is more than whites and Asians as well although the poverty rate is statistically different from each other as.

What is the definition of poverty

The US Government's definition of poverty is based on incomes. for example in the year 2012 to poverty-level family of four people's annual income $ 23050 [estimated 12.57 million bucks] were determined.