Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sacrificing Civil Liberties

People in America are deeply divided over whether their civil liberties should be sacrificed to fight terrorism, according to a new poll.
According a survey public accepted some government intrusions than other.
The survey showed that 71 percent supported the use of surveillance cameras in public places as it would help to watch suspicious activities, but fewer than half favored the use of a national ID card, the Daily News reports.
Fifty-eight percent were in favor of random full-body scans at airports, while 35 percent were in favor of ethnic or racial profiling to determine who gets screened, the survey revealed.
The poll also revealed that nearly half of Americans believe the government should be allowed to read emails sent outside the US without a warrant, but that drops to under a third for emails sent inside the country, the report said.
Half of the people surveyed believed that they have lost some personal freedoms since September 11 attack, and half of those said it 'wasn't necessary'.