Monday, July 9, 2012

The Great Bacteria

The US space agency NASA has two new translational research that has rejected claims that a new bacteria which was detected by dint of the arsenic can remain alive.

Article published in science journal says, "new research shows that the bacterium [' a ' called GFAJ-] to stay alive using arsenic instead of phosphorous." published in the journal in December, 2010 study said that NASA has a new bacteria discovered in Lake California. its been said about that he was using arsenic instead of phosphorous can survive Biologists believe that is carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur necessary for living life. If an organism is found on earth that one of these elements could stay alive without the life on other planets this means that as more friendly. is similar to nature is from arsenic phosphorus But it is poisonous to animals.

Two teams of scientists, found that the bacterium to survive he needs and some amount of phosphorous completely using arsenic instead; not two articles published in the journal Science that actually lives in a medium which contains GFAJ-causing pollution in phosphate remains, Which is helpful in its growth.